Selasa, 30 April 2013


In junc tion (?), n. L. injunctio, fr. injungere,injunctum, to join into, to enjoin. See Enjoin.
1. The act of enjoining; the act of directing, commanding, or prohibiting.
2. That which is enjoined; an order; a mandate; a decree; a command; a precept; a direction.
For still they knew,and ought to have still remembered,
The high injunction,not to taste that fruit.
Necessary as the injunctions of lawful authority.
3. (Law) A writ or process, granted by a court of equity, and, insome cases, under statutes, by a court of law,whereby a party is required to do or to refrain from doing certain acts, according to the exigency of the writ.
&hand; It is more generally used as a preventive than as a restorative process, although by no means confined to the former.

Translate :
Dalam tion junc (?), N. L. injunctio, fr. injungere, injunctum, untuk bergabung ke dalam, untuk melarang. Lihat memerintahkan.
1. Tindakan memerintahkan, tindakan mengarahkan, memerintahkan, atau melarang.
2. Itu yang diperintahkan, perintah, mandat, dekrit, perintah, ajaran a; arah.
Untuk tetap saja mereka tahu, dan seharusnya masih ingat,
Perintah yang tinggi, tidak untuk mencicipi buah itu.
Diperlukan sebagai perintah dari otoritas hukum.
3. (Hukum) Sebuah surat perintah atau proses, yang diberikan oleh pengadilan ekuitas, dan, kasus insome, berdasarkan undang-undang, oleh pengadilan, di mana satu pihak diperlukan untuk melakukan atau menahan diri dari melakukan tindakan-tindakan tertentu, sesuai dengan urgensi dari tertulis.
&hand; Hal ini lebih umum digunakan sebagai pencegahan daripada sebagai proses restoratif, meskipun tidak berarti terbatas pada mantan.

Sub-ordinating conjunctions
Which the conjunction that connects the clause and the main clause. It means that if we do not use the conjunction, then one sentence can not be understood if it means standing alone.
The conjunction of this type are subdivided into:
a. Apposition (Supplementary Information)
1. He said that he could pick me up
2. Sean promised that he would tell me the truth
b. Cause and Effect (Cause and Effect Relationship)
1. He could not pass the exam Because he was lazy
2. I will succeed to pass the exam since I have Studied hard
c. Impact (effect or result)
1. This coffee is too hot that I can not drink it
2. He ran too fast that he made himself exhausted
d. Purpose (Purpose and Objectives)
1. I bought a lot of books that I can prepare myself to pass the exam
2. You have to study hard in order that you can pass the exam
e. Condition (Terms)
1. You will pass the exam if you study hard
2. I will come to your house Provided that I am well enough
f. Concession (Statement Succumbing)
1. He kept working hard even though he was very tired
2. She will probably fail however much she may try
g. Comparison (Comparison)
1. Mr. William is as tall as Mr. Robert
2. You are more beautiful than my girlfriend
h. Manner (Taraf or How)
1. The plane has not landed yet as far as I know
2. Men will reap as they sow
i. Time (Time)
1. You can sit on my seat while I stand
2. I will be around you as long as I live
* Conjunctions normally would never pose a serious mistake, but the author sometimes confused to put a comma before CONJUNCTION. There are no regulations governing it as "Do not place a comma before the" and ", etc..
* The rule is do not put a comma before the conjunction CONJUNCTION when it was before the last sentence elements in a simple sequence.
1. She went to the shop for eggs, milk and butter. (TRUE)
(No need for a comma before the "and")
2. It is a large but friendly dog. (TRUE)
(This is an order for the "dog". Did not need no comma before "but".)
3. Jamie, Adam and Lee arranged to meet at The Bull. (TRUE)
(Sequence One: there should be no comma before the "and")
4. Carl, David, and Sarah were all witnesses. (FALSE)
(Sequence One: there should be no comma before the "and")
* However, at any given time, we might be more appropriate to use a comma with CONJUNCTION in a sequence that is simple. This may be intended to avoid confusion between other people and to make the arrangement look more presentable.
1. The news will be shown after DangerMouse, and Rug Rats.
(Other people could not think of that "DangerMouse and Rug Rats" is a TV show.)
2. The train will stop at Watford, Harrow, Pinner, Watford and Bushey.
("Watford and Bushey" could be a 1st place, such as the "Bath and Wells".)
3. The emblem is an Amalgamation of the British and Irish flags, the Stars and Stripes, and the Hammer and Sickle.
(The word "and" appears repeatedly in this instance. Comma before "and" allows the reader to understand the meaning of the sentence.)
First, there is a lesson that the sentence should not begin with a conjunction (CONJUNCTION). But now that one should not do.
1. I was certain he did it for the money. But, having read his diary, I have a new theory.
Most often in the beginning of the sentence is "And" and "But" and followed by a comma. But do not use too often.
When two simple sentences connected with a CONJUNCTION, must be preceded by a comma.
1. Our team was given 2 minutes' notice, but theirs had been training for weeks. (TRUE)
2. I have spoken to her, and she has confirmed the delivery date. (TRUE)
3. I have spoken to her, and confirmed the delivery date. (FALSE)
4. We eventually found the cave, but Jack was not there. (TRUE)
5. We built the hut in an hour and then painted it. (TRUE)
Conjunction which combines 2 parts of a compound sentence must be preceded by a comma.
1. I love milk. (Sentence Normal)
2. I can not drink it when it is warm. (Sentence Normal)
3. I love milk, but I can not drink it when it is warm. (Compound sentence)
Conjunction POINT AND COMA (;)
When a conjunction combining sentences, it must be preceded by a comma. But if one or both of the sentence already contains / has a comma in it, then use a semicolon instead of a comma before CONJUNCTION that we use.
1. In the '60s, there were dozens of buzzards along the 7-mile track; but, due to the decline in Vermin, only 2 adults live in the area at present.
2. Mark, Dawn and Sally adore boiled spare ribs; but Julia, a staunch vegetarian, leaves the room when they are on the menu.

Translate :
Yaitu kata sambung yang menghubungkan antara anak kalimat dan induk kalimat. Artinya jika kita tidak menggunakan kata sambung, maka salah satu kalimat tidak dapat dimengerti maksudnya apabila ia berdiri sendiri.
Conjunction jenis ini terbagi lagi menjadi:
a. Apposition (Keterangan Tambahan)
1. He said that he could pick me up
2. Sean promised that he would tell me the truth
b. Cause and Effect (Hubungan Sebab Akibat)
1. He could not pass the exam because he was lazy
2. I will succeed to pass the exam since I have studied hard
c. Impact (Pengaruh atau Akibat)
1. This coffee is too hot that I cannot drink it
2. He ran too fast that he made himself exhausted
d. Purpose (Maksud dan Tujuan)
1. I bought a lot of books that I can prepare myself to pass the exam
2. You have to study hard in order that you can pass the exam
e. Condition (Syarat)
1. You will pass the exam if you study hard
2. I will come to your house provided that I am well enough
f. Concession (Pernyataan Mengalah)
1. He kept working hard even though he was very tired
2. She will probably fail however much she may try
g. Comparison (Perbandingan)
1. Mr. William is as tall as Mr. Robert
2. You are more beautiful than my girlfriend
h. Manner (Taraf atau Cara)
1. The plane hasn’t landed yet as far as I know
2. Men will reap as they sow
i. Time (Waktu)
1. You can sit on my seat while I stand
2. I will be around you as long as I live
* Conjunctions secara normal tidak akan pernah menimbulkan kesalahan serius, namun penulis kadangkala bingung untuk menempatkan koma sebelum Conjunction. Tidak ada peraturan yang mengatur tentang itu seperti “Jangan letakkan koma sebelum “and”, dll.
* Peraturannya adalah jangan letakkan koma sebelum Conjunction ketika conjunction tersebut berada sebelum unsur kalimat terakhir dalam sebuah urutan yang sederhana.
1. She went to the shop for eggs, milk and butter. (BENAR)
(tidak perlu ada koma sebelum “and”)
2. It is a large but friendly dog. (BENAR)
(Ini adalah sebuah urutan untuk “dog”. tidak perlu ada koma sebelum “but”.)
3. Jamie, Adam and Lee arranged to meet at The Bull. (BENAR)
(Urutan Orang; tidak perlu ada koma sebelum “and”)
4. Carl, David, and Sarah were all witnesses. (SALAH)
(Urutan Orang; tidak perlu ada koma sebelum “and”)
* Namun, pada waktu tertentu, mungkin akan lebih tepat kita menggunakan koma dengan Conjunction pada sebuah urutan yang bersifat sederhana. Hal ini mungkin bertujuan untuk menghindarkan kebingungan orang lain dan membuat agar susunan nampak lebih rapi.
1. The news will be shown after Dangermouse, and Rug Rats.
(Orang lain tidak dapat memikirkan bahwa “Dangermouse and Rug Rats” adalah sebuah acara TV.)
2. The train will stop at Watford, Harrow, Pinner, Watford, and Bushey.
(“Watford and Bushey” bisa saja merupakan 1 tempat, seperti “Bath and Wells”.)
3. The emblem is an amalgamation of the British and Irish flags, the Stars and Stripes, and the Hammer and Sickle.
(Kata “and” muncul berulang kali pada contoh ini. Koma sebelum “and” memudahkan pembaca untuk mengerti maksud kalimat tersebut.)
Dulu, ada sebuah pelajaran bahwa kalimat itu tidak boleh dimulai dengan sebuah kata sambung (Conjunction). Tetapi sekarang hal itu boleh-boleh saja dilakukan.
1. I was certain he did it for the money. But, having read his diary, I have a new theory.
Yang paling sering berada di awal kalimat adalah “And” dan “But” dan diikuti dengan koma. Namun pemakaiannya jangan terlalu sering.
Ketika 2 kalimat sederhana disambungkan dengan sebuah Conjunction, harus diawali dengan koma.
1. Our team was given 2 minutes’ notice, but theirs had been training for weeks. (BENAR)
2. I have spoken to Sarah, and she has confirmed the delivery date. (BENAR)
3. I have spoken to Sarah, and confirmed the delivery date. (SALAH)
4. We eventually found the cave, but Jack was not there. (BENAR)
5. We built the hut in an hour and then painted it. (BENAR)
Conjunction yang menggabungkan 2 bagian kalimat majemuk harus diawali dengan koma.
1. I love milk. ( Kalimat Normal)
2. I cannot drink it when it is warm.(Kalimat Normal)
3. I love milk, but I cannot drink it when it is warm. (Kalimat Majemuk)
Ketika sebuah kata sambung menggabungkan kalimat, maka harus didahului dengan koma. Tetapi jika salah satu atau kedua kalimat tersebut sudah mengandung/ memiliki koma di dalamnya, maka gunakan titik koma sebagai pengganti koma sebelum Conjunction yang kita pakai.
1. In the ’60s, there were dozens of buzzards along the 7-mile trek; but, due to the decline in vermin, only 2 adults live in the area at present.
2. Mark, Dawn and Sally adore boiled spare ribs; but Julia, a staunch vegetarian, leaves the room when they are on the menu.

Which connects sentences equal. Sentence means that one does not need another sentence and suppose that sentence stand alone too, without any conjunction, then the meaning of the sentence is already well understood.

The conjunction of this type are subdivided into:

a. Cumulative (Shows Addition)

Conjunction that is often used in this group is and, both ... and, also, as well as, no less than, not only ... but also, etc.


1. You and I will go to Bali tomorrow
(Original sentence is "you will go to Bali tomorrow" and "I will go to Bali tomorrow." So sentences like these can be bundled as the example)
2. He is both an actor and a director
3. He is clever and you are also
4. He as well as you is guilty
(Be used is "is" not "are." Please learn about this back on topic "Concordance / Agreement")
5. He no less than you will be punished.
6. Mr. Accused Anderson is not only, but also convicted.

b. Alternative (Shows Preference)

Conjunction used in this type is either ... or, Neither ... nor, or, else, otherwise


1. You can eat either the red or the green apple one.
(You may take one apple red or green)
2. You can eat apple Neither the red nor the green one.
(You should not be eating red apples or green. Sentence is the same as "You can not eat both the red apple and the green one.")
3. You or William is right.

c. Adversative (Shows Conflicts)

Conjunction that is often used but, still, yet, nevertheless, however, whereas, while


1. Mrs. Henry is generous but her husband is not.
2. She is very wealthy still she is not contented.
3. He is very clever, he nevertheless Often makes mistakes.
4. I'd like to go; however, I have not got time.

d. Illative (Shows Conclusion)

Conjunction used is therefore, so, so then, then, for


1. My sister was ill, therefore, she could not go to school yesterday
2. It's time to go; so, let's start
3. If you make-mistake, then you must admit it.
4. It is going to rain; for the barometer is falling

Translate :
Yaitu menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat yang sederajat. Artinya kalimat yang satu tidak membutuhkan kalimat yang lainnya dan andaikan kalimat itu berdiri sendiri pun, tanpa adanya conjunction, maka makna kalimat tersebut sudah dapat dipahami dengan baik.
Conjunction jenis ini terbagi lagi menjadi:
a. Cumulative (Menunjukkan Penambahan)
Conjunction yang sering dipakai pada golongan ini adalah and, both…and, also, as well as, no less than, not only…but also, dsb
1. You and I will go to Bali tomorrow
(kalimat aslinya adalah “you will go to Bali tomorrow” dan ” I will go to Bali tomorrow”. Maka kalimat seperti ini dapat digabungkan seperti contoh tersebut)
2. He is both an actor and a director
3. He is clever and you are also
4. He as well as you is guilty
(be yang dipakai adalah “is” bukan “are”. Silahkan pelajari kembali mengenai hal ini pada topik “Concordance/Agreement”)
5. He no less than you will be punished.
6. Mr. Anderson is not only accused, but also convicted.
b. Alternative (Menunjukkan Pilihan)
Conjunction yang dipakai pada jenis ini adalah either…or, neither…nor, or, else, otherwise
1. You can eat either the red apple or the green one.
(Kamu boleh memakan salah satu apel yang berwarna merah ataupun yang berwarna hijau)
2. You can eat neither the red apple nor the green one.
(Kamu tidak boleh memakan apel yang berwarna merah ataupun yang berwarna hijau. Kalimat ini sama dengan ” You can’t eat both the red apple and the green one.”)
3. You or William is right.
c. Adversative (Menunjukkan Pertentangan)
Conjunction yang sering dipakai adalah but, still, yet, nevertheless, however, whereas, while
1. Mrs. Henry is generous but her husband isn’t.
2. She is very wealthy still she isn’t contented.
3. He is very clever, nevertheless he often makes mistakes.
4. I’d like to go; however, I haven’t got time.
d. Illative (Menunjukkan Kesimpulan)
Conjunction yang dipakai adalah therefore, so, so then, then, for
1. My sister was ill, therefore, she couldn’t go to school yesterday
2. It’s time to go; so, let’s start
3. If you make mistake, then you must admit it.
4. It is going to rain; for the barometer is falling

Correlative Conjunction

Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions are used to connect the elements of the sentence between words by word, phrase by phrase, and clause by clause (as well as coordinating conjunctions).

These conjunctions are always used in pairs. Sentence elements that should have accrued to be connected in parallel (parallel) according to the grammatical structure. If the subject is singular and the plural is connected, then the closest subject will determine whether it is singular or plural verb.

Conjunctions are commonly used are:
- Both ... and
- Either ... or
- Neither ... nor
- Not only ... but also
- Whether ... or

-She can both speak and write Japanese.
- Both my sister and my brother play the piano.
- I'm going to buy either a camera or a CD player with the money.
- Either she goes or I go.
- Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.
- He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.
- He is Neither rich nor famous.
- Neither Tom's mother nor his father spoke English.
- Whether you win this race or lose it does not matter as long as you do your best.
- She was uncertain Whether to stay or leave.
- I did not know Whether to believe him or not.

If using coorelative conjunctions to connect independent clauses, punctuation you should use a comma (,) before the second clause.
- Either Jane will conclude the experiment by April, or she will ask for additional research funds.

Translate :
Correlative conjunctions adalah konjungsi yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan unsur-unsur kalimat antara kata dengan kata, frase dengan frase, dan klausa dengan klausa (seperti halnya coordinating conjunctions).

Konjungsi ini selalu digunakan berpasangan. Unsur-unsur kalimat yang dihubungkan harus mempunyai kedudukan sejajar (parallel) sesuai dengan struktur gramatikal. Jika subjek singular dan plural dihubungkan, maka subjek yang paling dekat akan menentukan apakah verb itu singular atau plural.

Konjungsi yang umumnya digunakan adalah:
- both...and
- either...or

- neither...nor
- not only...but also
- whether...or

-She can both speak and write Japanese.
- Both my sister and my brother play the piano.

- I’m going to buy either a camera or a CD player with the money.
- Either she goes or I go.
- Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.
- He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.
- He is neither rich nor famous.
- Neither Tom’s mother nor his father spoke English.
- Whether you win this race or lose it doesn't matter as long as you do your best.
- She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.
- I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

Jika menggunakan coorelative conjunctions untuk menghubungkan independent clauses, sebaiknya gunakan tanda baca koma (,) sebelum klausa yang kedua.
- Either Jane will conclude the experiment by April, or she will ask for additional research funds.

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